Love Pearl Words | Wise Words Friendship

Love Pearl Words | Wise Words Friendship. Pearl Words of Love and Friendship is a lot in search of people because in addition to self-motivation can add to the reading, could also be to add spirit to other people that you send word via sms or email pearls. below is a collection of Pearl Wise Words of Love and Friendship. Here is Love Pearl Words and Wise Words Friendship Collection taken from many source.

  • It hurts to love someone who does not love you, but more painful is to love someone and you never have the courage to express your love to him.
  • The beginning of love is to let the man you loved to be himself, and not to twist them into the image you want. If not, you love only the reflection of ourselves that you find in himself.
  • Do not occasionally say goodbye if you still want to try. Do occasionally give up if you still feel up. Do not occasionally say you do not love him anymore if you still can not forget it.
  • The feeling of love starts from the eye, while feeling like it starts from the ear. So if you want to stop liking someone, just by closing the ears. But if you try to close your eyes from the people you love, love was turned into a teardrop and continue to live in yours in the distance long enough.
  • Love is not teaching us weak, but generate power. Love teaches us not humiliate ourselves, but blowing valor. Love does not weaken the spirit, but uplifting.
  • The words of love that was born just on the lips and not in the liver able to squash the whole body and soul, when the words of love that is born from a sincere heart is able to treat wound in the hearts of all who heard it.
  • Love is not cheap and common words are spoken from mouth to mouth but love is a gift of God's beautiful and holy, if humans can assess purity.
  • Making love was easy. To be loved is also really easy. But to be loved by those we love that is difficult to obtain.
  • Ye knew that ye very miss someone, when ye think hearts smithereens. And only by heard word "Hai" from him, can reunify pieces hearts these.
  • Love never asked, he always giving, love brings pain, but never bear a grudge, never take revenge. Where there is love there is life; when hatred leads to destruction.
  • Do not love someone like flowers, because flowers die when the season changes. Love them like a river, because the river flows forever.
  • Sometimes you do not appreciate someone who loves you wholeheartedly, until the very you lose it. At that moment, nothing to regret because of his departure
  • One-only way we obtain affection, is do demands that we loved, but begin giving affection to others without expect replies.
  • Not the sea its name if the water was not choppy. His name is not love if the feeling was never wounded. Not a lover if her name is never missed and jealousy.
  • You never know when you'll fall in love. but when that time comes, seize with both hands, and do not let him go with a million a sense of a question mark on his heart.
  • Love can soften steel, crushing of stone, raised the dead and breathe life into him and make the slave leader. This is the miracle of love!
  • If we love someone, we will always pray for him even though he was not at our side.
  • Love can change bitter into sweet, dust into gold, cloudy to clear, the sick were healed, the prison into the lake, pain becomes pleasure, and anger into mercy.
  • The sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you. Only to find that eventually became the means to and you do not have to let go.
  • True love is when he loves someone else, and you are still able to smile, saying: I'm also happy for you.

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