Triunfo Del Amor Capitulo 141 | Ver Triunfo Del Amor Capitulo 141. If you Soap Opera lovers, you must watch this telenovela..check it out..this episode aired on Monday May 9, 2011. Here is the synopsis. We hope you enjoy this great soap opera.

Triunfo Del AmorSo don't miss to Ver Triunfo Del Amor Capitulo 141, happy watching.
Victoria is very happy and hugged after the Doctor Heriberto Heriberto said that Victoria had been free of cancer. Besides news, the Victorian feel very sad after Desamparada rejected Maria (Maite Perroni), while he misses her. Maria Bernarda agree with the attitude of Victorian and according to him very well not meet and see Victoria again. Happiness is also being felt Maximiliano (William Levy) and Maria (Maite Perroni), Maria did not refuse when Maximiliano propose to embed the diamonds in his ring finger, Max vowed to love and protect her forever. Bad things happen to Alonso (Mark Tacher) is sentenced to suffer from dangerous diseases. Although Mark tries to hide it, eventually he knows it. Max finds a letter from the hospital stating that the illness suffered by Alonso. Heriberto told Max that Alonso must fulfill his destiny. Mary who heard the bad news was very sad and shocked.