E.coli Germany | E coli outbreak

E.coli Germany | e coli outbreak. E coli outbreak hit Germany. The bacteria was first discovered by a German veterinarian named Theodor Escheric in 1885 led to 1,600 people have been hospitalized and 18 people died in Germany. E coli outbreak in Germany probably derived from the cucumber-cucumber imported from Spain. Habit of using vegetables as vegetables makes the spread of the bacteria E. coli is so widespread. Outbreaks of E. coli often leads to Traveller's diarrhea, bloody diarrhea that often occurs in Southeast Asian tourists.

Bacteria E. coli is actually a normal microorganisms contained in the human digestive tract. But the bacteria E. coli with certain strains often cause diarrheal diseases, from common diarrhea to fatal diarrhea. Based on the type of infection, the bacterium E. coli are classified into four groups, namely EPEC (entero pathogenic E. coli), EIEC (entero toksigenik E. coli), EHEC (entero hemorrhagic E. coli), EIEC (entero Invansif E. coli), and EAEC (entero aggregative E. coli). Bacteria E. I thoroughly coli bacterial strain E. coli 0157: H7 is included in the group of entero hemorrhagic E. coli.

According to researchers at the Beijing Genomics Institute, an outbreak of E. coli that hit Germany it is a type of E. new strains coli. From early studies, bacterial E. coli that infect cucumber-cucumber from Spain was the result of mutations of two types of bacteria, the type of EAEC and EHEC. Bacteria E. coli type EAEC causes severe diarrhea because the bacteria produce a toxin that attacks the intestinal mucosa hemolisin. Bacteria E. coli type EHEC can cause bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and even kidney failure. From the results of mutations of two types of bacteria E. this coli strains produced a new type, namely strain O104, which is very deadly

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